
Data Intelligence for the Charity Sector

With the majority of large commercial organisations embracing Big Data as a means to refine their products and better understand their customers, the charitable sector has been slow to adopt the same techniques to streamline their operations and increase their donation rates.

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Data Scientist – What’s in a Name?

There has been a dramatic growth of new roles such as “data scientist” and “informatician” that were all but unheard of just a few years ago. But what distinguishes the role of a data scientist from that of a statistician, informatician or analyst? What do these different groups actually do?

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Breaking News: 1 in 20 Statistical Tests Are Wrong!

This lighthearted cartoon from XKCD makes an important point about classical hypothesis testing: if you test enough things you’re bound to find something that’s significant. To avoid this and many other pitfalls of a naive application of statistical methods, it is important to seek statistical advice.

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Statisticians Are Key to Business Growth and Innovation

Analysing large data sets will become a key basis of competition, says a new report published last week. In the same way that they have always sought professional accounting and legal advice, many industries now see statistical consultancy firms as crucial partners in driving growth and stimulating innovation.

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