
CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector)

In this latest blog post in our Market Research terminology series, we discuss CHAID - an algorithm that is useful when looking for patterns in datasets with lots of categorical variables and that offers a convenient way of visualising relationships in the data.

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Analysing Categorical Survey Data

Surveys often comprise tick-box questions, resulting in what are referred to statistically as categorical data. Analysing categorical data requires the use of a specialist set of statistical tools as they are not normally amenable to the standard tools available for continuous data.

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Interacting with Your Data

We regularly analyse data to help our clients gain key insights so that they can make effective decisions. In many cases, clients will be interested in the results for different scenarios and we've been developing the capability to enable our clients to interact with their data via online interactive tools or web apps.

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Breaking News: 1 in 20 Statistical Tests Are Wrong!

This lighthearted cartoon from XKCD makes an important point about classical hypothesis testing: if you test enough things you’re bound to find something that’s significant. To avoid this and many other pitfalls of a naive application of statistical methods, it is important to seek statistical advice.

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Depression in Men ‘Regularly Ignored’…

Whilst reporting statistical findings in the mainstream media has improved greatly in recent years, inconsistencies do still remain. In this post, we discuss a recent Telegraph article and how, looking at the main analysis in the original research, the title is somewhat misleading.

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