
Testing the Effectiveness of Treatments

Unex market the Pet Remedy product which is designed to provide relaxing and calming relief for pet stress. To support their product, Select helped to conduct a study to test the effectiveness of their treatment for dogs with behavioural issues.

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Using Statistical Sampling for Monitoring Call Centre Quality

Companies who operate call centres such as telesales, market research or utility companies all monitor the calls that their staff make to ensure that they are complying with the relevant protocols. Using statistical techniques, these companies can sample a subset of calls that will accurately monitor call quality whilst minimising cost.

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Developing Medical Decision Tools

The decision to extubate intensive care patients is critical to the long-term recovery of patients. To assist clinicians in their decision, Select developed a statistical model that predicts the probability of a successful extubation based on information about the patient, such as the patient's ability to cough.

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A/B Split Testing and Identifying Target Segments for Marketing Strategies

Many businesses use online marketing strategies to increase the number of visitors to their websites. To test the effectiveness of these strategies, A/B split testing can be used to identify whether they increase visitor conversion to sales. Careful design of the test allows a company to minimise any potential costs and disruptions as well as better understand the demographics of their customer base.

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How to Measure Effectiveness of a Novel Device

To test the effectiveness of a new device designed to eliminate smoke in the surgical field, an experiment was designed that collected information on the clarity of view during the surgery. By analysing these data it was possible to detect a positive effect of the new device and compare the effectiveness relative to alternative methods.

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